The Card of the Day: The Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

Finding out where the wealth is being squandered

the five of pentacles is a card that reflects suffering and need. poverty is a chronic state of mind, not merely a physical disorder. &;how will i be able to pay for this?” “If I don’t give him more money for the hundredth time it will be my fault if something bad happens?”

i wish i could just get lucky and win the lottery.” “I’m just not good with money.” “when will i be able to pay off my debt?”” “Why am I so worthless?” “Why don’t they appreciate me at work?&; both of these are indicators of poverty understanding.

DO you ever feel like success comes naturally to others but not to you? are you equally paid for your efforts? Will you have the courage to set boundaries for others? can you put a high priority on yourself and the services you offer? are you looking for a new job?

and the affluent are prone to poverty awareness. this is due to the fact that poverty is not solely a financial problem. it’s all about self-esteem.

penia, the “goddess of poverty,” was known to the ancient greeks. penia will wander from house to house like the wretched vagabonds on the poster. she’d pound on everyone’s door before someone with no limits let her in.

it was incredibly difficult to convince penia to leave after she had reached the house. she will make the residents feel bad and anxious all of the time. penia continued until the person returned to their family.

Giving to others and being a support only rewards them as it is achieved with expectations in mind. this reality is encapsulated in the old proverb: “give a man a fish, and he will live for a day; teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime.”.

There is one force on the planet that can eradicate poverty consciousness: Self Esteem. when you feel smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, and trusting in yourself, poverty will no longer hold you back. you can’t &;use&; people who are confident in their own merit. predators are hunters, and consumers and manipulators are pests. When looking for a trap, they still go for the weakest one. it’s time to develop some muscle.

Know your worth and value now. if you’re full of resources, don’t offer. place limits for those that are in need. don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself! just support others while they are aiding themselves. pursue new prospects and just consider the best!

the five of pentacles is inverted as it appears it asks you to think of certain aspects of your life that you are putting work into but not getting progress. giving your attention to “psychic demons,” giving your time to people who don’t value it, or giving your money to a circumstance or entity who makes you feel bad or guilty are all examples of this. this card also acts as a warning to protect against something that threatens your hard-won sense of self-worth. this may also apply to concentrating the attention on emotions of powerlessness or hopelessness. questions of worth, and most specifically, what kind of life you think you are capable of, are at the core of these reflections.

you are not obligated to hang on to your feelings merely because you have them. any ideas are rubbish, and they must be vigorously discarded. you don’t have to remain in relationships that aren’t advantageous to you. you still don’t have to stick with a career that is stressful or leaves you sad. when this card appears in this position, it says, “stop giving yourself away to encounters that leave you feeling empty!”

you have the option of removing any feeling, person, or experience that does not make you feel good about who you are or how far you’ve come. shift your mental path today to the gratitude, blessings, and wealth that you are surrounded by. establish a self-improvement approach. you are deserving of any gift you have got, as well as those yet to come.

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