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10 Beautiful Buddhist Prayers To Meditate On

1. being at one with yourself

although we live in harmony,
although we are happy,
we have the ability to grin and bloom like a vine.
Everyone in our circle, as well
our whole world is at risk
will be advantageous
from the comfort of our own.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

2. every time i take a breath, i’m reminded of how lucky i am

Today, with every breath i take,
i promise to be awake;
and with each move i take,
i promise to accept with gratitude.
so that i can see with loving eyes
into the hearts of everyone i come across,
when i’m able, i’ll try to lighten their load
and with a peaceful smile, stroke them.

– Anonymous

3. Bodhisattva Prayer For Humanity*

may i serve as a watchman for those who need defense
this is a reference for those who are on their way
for those who choose to survive the river, there is a ferry, a canoe, and a bridge.
i pray that i will be a light in the night
the tired will find a resting place here
both those who are ill will benefit from this drug
a flower of wonders, a vase of plenty.
and for the infinite number of living things
will i get you nourishment and waking
Like the land and moon, it endures
when all creatures are relieved of their suffering
and everybody is awoken.

– shantideva is a buddhist deity

*performed by the dalai lama on a regular basis

4. the mandala is being offered

this is the magnificent earth
the air was thick with the scent of incense
a canopy of roses has been draped over it
The Great Mountain, the Four Continents,
i’m wearing a sun and moon necklace.
in my imagination, i see them as buddha’s paradise
and i’m giving it all to you.
can any living being benefit from this act
take a look at the pure world.

– Tibetan Prayer

5. the sky is yours

sky is unrestricted.
the ocean is a wonderful place.
trees are magnificent.
the rocks have attained enlightenment.
we’re on the same boat.
who is really looking….
What is it for?

– Anam Thubten Rinpoche

6. Prayer For Youth

will the world’s children continue to rise
in terms of cultural wisdom and goodwill tolerance.
can one day see an increase in the number of young people
discover the beauty of both being and waking up.
may we all be able to tap into the alert stillness of our buddha selves.

– Anonymous

7. giving to those in need is a good thing to do

may i be all of these things at all times, both now and in the future
a guardian for those who don’t have one
for those who have lost their path, this is a reference
a submarine for those who like to cross oceans
For those that like to cross rivers, there is a path
a safe haven for those who are in need
a lantern for those who don’t have access to electricity
a safe haven for those who have nowhere else to go
in addition, he is a friend to those who are in need.

tenzin gyatso is a tibetan buddhist monk

8. harmony is a beautiful word

we reverently hope for the universe’s everlasting peace.
will the weather be appropriate for the season
can you reap a bountiful harvest
will all nations live in peace
and can peace be shared by all.

– Anonymous

9. walking meditation is a form of meditation that involves walking

my mind will go in a million different directions.
i will now walk in peace.
a warm breeze is created with each turn.
a lotus blooms with each step.

andrew weiss is a writer who lives in new york city

10. enlightenment is the state of being enlightened

the moon reflecting in the ocean is enlightenment.
the moon does not get soaked, and the ocean does not break.
despite the fact that its light is broad and strong,
and a one-inch-wide puddle reflects the sky.
the full moon, as well as the whole atmosphere
one dewdrop on the lawn reflects them.

– dogen is a japanese philosopher

Christian Prayers Before Job Interviews that Make an Impact

prayer has tremendous strength. 1 thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, offer thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you.”. we are commanded to pray constantly. this entails thinking for anything and everything, no matter how large or small, in our everyday lives.

god wants us to bring all of our wishes, dreams, worries, expectations, and ambitions to him. he is the only one who is divine and can guide us to goodness, honesty, and abundant love. your pleas for a work interview will always be heard by the lord. there is a prayer that you should express, regardless of how it seems based on the circumstances or condition.

the following are few christian prayers to say during a work interview:

  • this is a prayer for preparation
  • Prayer of Wisdom
  • for the interviewer, pray for favor
  • prayer for prosperity
  • may be with you

the strength comes from god, not from the things you utter. pay more attention to who you’re asking for rather than what you’re doing. to add each of these prayers to your personal life, modify them as desired. pray some scriptures that come to mind as well.

Prayer for Preparation

i pray that you will brace my heart for this work interview, father. i’m going to prepare my mind to put it to sleep. prepare my resume and qualifications. Bring it to my attention if there is something i’m doing. if there are any other things that i’m missing, please direct me to them and provide me with the information i need to deal with them.

prepare my client to have a conversation with him or her. make contact with the person on behalf of this opportunity. still, in the end, tell him or her about your magnificent love and kingdom. in modesty, readiness, and servant hood, prepare me.

prepare me in terms of my physical, physiological, social, moral, and relational well-being. give me everything i need to live a life of godliness and to be beyond reproach. prepare a path for me to walk along before i arrive. bring your word of wisdom to all areas of my life to lead me. âĢľyour word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path,âĢĿ says psalm 119:105. may this be true of my soul.

Prayer of Wisdom

Give me insight into my interview, lord. âĢľfor the lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come insight and understanding,âĢĿ you say in proverbs 2:6. âĢľif any of you needs wisdom, you may ask god, who gives freely to all without seeking fault, and it will be granted to you,âĢĿ you say in james 1:5

in modesty and boldness, i come before you, believing in your goodness and hope. you said you’d offer wisdom freely, so please spill out your divine wisdom to help me prepare for this interview and the job i’ll be doing.

please offer me insight in my dealings with the interviewer, my prospective boss, and my colleagues. teach me how to walk in your glorious way so that your name can be glorified. instill maturity in me such that my words, deeds, emotions, motives, and experiences are true.

even, as james 3:17 says, allow me to remember your superiority over the wisdom of the universe. âĢľhowever, wisdom from on high is first and foremost pure; after that, it is peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of grace and good fruit, impartial, and sincereĿ

for the interviewer, pray for favor

god, please bless the interviewer with whom i will be speaking. assist us in having a positive conversation. will the interviewer be blessed by my speech. âĢľkind words are like honey âĢĶ sweet to the soul and good for the body,âĢĿ says proverbs 16:24

give me the words to speak and the insight i’ll need to navigate this situation. get my vocabulary tasty and nutritious. if the interviewer is in danger, use them to bring peace to their life. assist me in determining what to say and what not to say. in this conversation, go ahead of me.

after the interview, please bring a constructive experience and comment. however, make use of this time for more than just a career. make the most of this opportunity to bring the kingdom to earth. use me as a conduit for your honesty and light. allow the right doors and discussions to open up for me so that i can have an effect. this influence will come from your will, not from my positive will or deeds. and by the power of your will, lord.

bring light where death once reigned. bring hope to a part of my life where i’ve been struggling. assist me in maintaining a stable career that meets mine and my family’s needs. help me to meet the social, financial, mental, emotional, and psychological needs of those in my immediate vicinity.

prayer for prosperity

lord, i pray that you will continue to develop me, even though it is a difficult and frustrating process. if i’m not ready for this job, help me grow so that i am. bring development before i have all of the resources i need if i have this job and don’t have any of the tools i need. teach and guide me in a realistic manner.

i want to develop both my hard and soft skills. improve my honesty, work ethic, and performance. assist me in being a fast learner and developing the skills and education required for this role. if i am hired, please provide me with opportunities to advance in this business.

bless myself in order for me to help you. however, grant me a pure heart and pure intentions so that i am not inclined to use my status or blessings for personal gain or pride.

can the words of colossians 3:23-24 apply to me. that i will obey the instruction, “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you were working for the lord, not for human masters,” and i know that i will be rewarded with an inheritance from the lord. you are serving the lord jesus christ

help me to live the life described in colossians 3:17. âĢľand everything you do, in word or deed, do it in the name of the lord jesus, give thanks to god the father by him. Give me new insight and knowledge that brings me to your goodness and honesty in the places that i am not joyfully submitting to you.

may be with you

i’m worried about my interview, father. i’m concerned that i won’t have the necessary skills, works to present, or other resources to succeed. i’m also concerned that if this opportunity does not become available, i’ll be left in a difficult situation. you know what i need before i even ask for it, lord.

Your father knows what you need before you ask him jesus said in matthew 6:8b. father, you know what i need even better than i know what i need. so provide for my needs in accordance with your wisdom. give me comfort in the places where i don’t have it. give me the courage to face my fears, anxieties, and worries. grow my faith in you so that i can trust you with all of my desires, opinions, and feelings.

do not be worried about anything your word says, but bring your petitions to god in any case by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. in christ jesus, the peace of god, which surpasses all knowledge, will guard your hearts and minds (philippians 4:6-7).

i’ve chosen to present all of this to you. i praise you for your unwavering faithfulness throughout history and in my own life. also, i believe you are who you think you are. you are pure, and you are working in this universe to bring your goodness to earth in the same way as it does in heaven.

finally, as scripture says in 2 thessalonians 3:16, i pray that you grant me your peace at all times and in all ways. âĢľnow may the lord of justice himself grant you peace in all things at all times and in all ways. âĢľmay the lord be with you all

Prayers to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Stress

let’s face it, it’s a reality. fear, doubt, anxiety, and depression will appear at any point in our lives. is that correct?

What do you do as a parent if your children are late returning home? can you fall asleep through it? or can you walk the room, hoping they’re just late and nothing has gone wrong?. since terror and anxiety have taken hold of you right now.

it makes no difference whether you are concerned for your children or yourself.

it makes no difference whether your fear is small or big. fear is just that: terror. pain is pain, regardless of the source. anxiety is fear, and anxiety is anxiety.

Our planet is now in disarray as i type this. we’re in the midst of a vortex of confusion. our list of “what’s next” questions is never-ending. we’re at a loss about what to do. we’re not sure who to trust. and, i believe, death is our greatest intrinsic terror. death, either for ourselves or for someone we care for.

i recently published a blog post about âĢĺchoosing to rest.âĢĻ. please read it if you haven’t already. in the meanwhile, i’ve compiled a list of prayers for you to print. Cut them out and put them somewhere you’ll see them every day if you can.

there are prayers to recite whether you’re suffering from anxiety or depression. you should pray these prayers to make you stop thinking. When you’re feeling stressed, chant these prayers. especially if you’re alone, or if you’re getting panic attacks. there are prayers for you to recite in times of apprehension.

when i awoke one morning, god had sent me all of these anxiety and terror thoughts.

i went to my computer and wrote them all out while enjoying my tea and worrying about all of the anxiety, doubt, and loss of hope that everyone is experiencing. i couldn’t type quickly enough to keep up with the terms.

Here are a few examples:

  • thank you, lord.  father in heaven, you are so generous.  I am scared.  I am worried.  I am anxious.  i have no idea what will happen to me, my family, or my world. except in my own country.  Now, more than ever, i need your assistance.  i need you to hug me tight, lift me up, and curl your arms around me.  please inform me that you are here day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second.  That you love me.  That you have my back. in the presence of jesus. amen to that
  • enable me, heavenly father, to get through each day.  teach me not to be concerned.  please remind me not to be afraid. As it says in Philippians ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’  I am making my requests known to you right now. i need assistance.  i want your assistance. Thank you so much. amen to that
  • i come before you, lord. i’m putting my anxiety and insecurity at your feet. i ask that you assist me in overcoming all of my suspicions and worries while i feel devastated. please remind me that you are a mighty god. please remind me that i can put my faith in you. i’m well aware that i won’t be able to complete this task on my own. i want your assistance. i pray in the unrivaled name of jesus. amen to that

3 Powerful Prayers for My Daughter as She Grows Up

Nothing could have prepared me for the moment the ultrasound tech announced, “you’re getting a baby.”.

or the time her lovely, petite self was born into the world.

my heart was overflowing.

i saw us going shopping together, staying up late for girl talk, and bondingfriends would.

as much as i’ve enjoyed doing all of these stuff with all of my children, i’ve come to appreciate the significance of the various roles i share with them.

do i want to hang out with them and have a good time with them? Of course!

but my job as a mother is more complex.

it bears the responsibility of educating them about god’s goodness, shaping their character, and assisting them in being the woman god designed them to be.

raising girls has been a blessing as well as a burden for me.

i’ve discovered that the older they get, the more i need to get them closer to christ.

i don’t always know anything, and i don’t always have the stamina to deal with the drama.

god, on the other hand, does. In my devotion to him, i acquire the wisdom to know just whether to pray for them and how to pray for them.

i want to pray for my daughters in the following three areas:

Her Mind & Thoughts

Thank you, lord, for my beautiful children. get them closer to you, father. i realize you’ve given them christ’s soul, but lord, let them fully comprehend what that entails for them. reveal your word to them in a way that makes them yearn to discover who they are and who they belong to. As they pass the teenage years, keep their hearts and minds secure. allow them to be drawn to you rather than the stuff of this universe. defend their hearts from any hostile attack.

in jesus’ name, i condemn any lie, plan, trick, or scheme that the enemy may attempt to use against them. i am grateful that jesus died on the cross for their freedom–mind, body, soul, and spirit. as i teach them about you, please guide and direct me. allow me to be a living example of your goodness in their lives. amen, in jesus’ honor.

her self-concept

i thank you, father, for the incredible burden of raising children. over each of them, i pray for your blessing and favour. as they begin to rise, may the lord shield and cover them. allow them to see themselves through your eyes–as a masterwork that you have meticulously created. assist them in dressing and presenting themselves in a respectable manner. assist me in instilling in them a sense of worth as daughters of the most high. i pray that they place their confidence in you alone, not in what others think or feel about them. assist them in being happy with the way you produced them, rather than yearning for anything more. amen, in jesus’ honor.

relationships with others

Thank you, god, for my daughters and the relationships you’ve offered them. lord, please allow them to be drawn to healthy friendships that will make them grow closer to you. protect them from connections that may take them down a dangerous road or in the opposite direction. wherever they go, keep them safe. lord, please assist me in teaching them how to be true friends and guardians in their relationships. allow them to still be gracious and respectful, putting others before themselves. god, i hope that they feel at ease with who you have made them to be. and they will never feel compelled to put on a show for someone or pretend to be someone they are not in order to make friends. when they walk closely with you, let the light shine into them. amen, in jesus’ honor.

i would want to pray for my daughters with the following scriptures:

let’s not just talk about love, my children; let’s put it into effect. the only way we’ll realize we’re living honestly, in god’s truth, is if we do this. it’s also a way to silence crippling self-criticism, even though it’s justified. god, after all, is better than our anxious hearts and knows more of us than we do. 1 John 3:18-20 MSG

if you associate with smart people, you will become intelligent; if you associate with idiots, you will get into trouble. Proverbs 13:20 NLT

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

so we set our gaze on what is invisible rather than what is visible, for what is seen is transient, while what is unseen is permanent.

2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in and puts his confidence in the Lord will be exalted and safe.

amp version of proverbs 29:25

if you have any prayers for your daughters in particular? i’ve discovered that praying for my family specifically allows me to let go of the fears and concerns that come with being a wife and mother.


This week I’m sharing a great article posted in our Salt & Light Facebook Group by Jana Carlson on praying for your family. i adore praying for my family deliberately and purposefully from god’s word. nothing is more effective than praying scriptures.

this is what jana means…

…prayers based on scripture are effective. not only are you praying god’s word and in compliance with his will (which is the most powerful prayer you can ask! ), but the prayer is also shaping, changing, and molding your own spirit.

These prayers for my family have started to mold my heart’s wishes as i’ve prayed them. the information i’m searching for has shifted. These particular passages are those I’ll be praying until I’m with Jesus face-to-face (Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35). i, on the other hand, would never tire of praying for them.

and i know without a doubt that he is responding to them. and it is his pleasure…

Morning Prayers for the Family to Start Your Day

your mood during the day is influenced by how you start the day. if you wake up grumpy and irritated, you’ll probably feel testy and unappreciative the rest of the day. however, starting the day off correctly with family morning prayers would undoubtedly have a good impact on the rest of the day.

starting the day with morning prayers sets the stage for the day ahead, when you follow god’s grace and encouragement. whatever you’re requestingâĢĶsafety, security, determination, or something elseâĢĶask for it first thing in the morning before being washed away by the demands of the day.

Morning prayers with your entire family are a rewarding ritual that allows you to devote your time and devotion to god. setting aside time with god is important, and doing so with your children will help to develop and reinforce their trust in god at a young age. it will also serve to improve your family bond and you will be focusing it on christ.

the below is the table of contents

  • points for morning prayer
    • for a new day, we give thanks
    • i’m praying for god’s blessing and intervention
    • pray for courage and discernment
    • make a prayer for family harmony
    • thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for the lives of your loved ones
    • pray for the ability to be a healthy family member
    • make a request for god’s blessings
    • Security for the family is prayed for
  • Sample Prayers
    • morning praise and thanksgiving prayer
    • family prayer in the morning
    • Morning Prayer for the Day
  • last but not least,

Morning Prayer Points

Our prayers are organized into prayer points. these are the thoughts we’d like to present to god. prayer points are often based on biblical values, claims, convictions, and affirmations. Some people use prayer points as a reference so that they can pray quickly without having to worry about their thoughts.

we’ve compiled a list of common prayer points that should be used in every family’s morning prayers.

Thanksgiving for a new day

let us rejoice and be glad in the lord’s day, which he has made.

118:24 in psalm 118

getting up to a new day is a gift in and of itself; don’t take it for granted. and give thanks to the lord for blessing you and your family with a brand new day to enjoy.

giving thanks to the lord first thing in the morning will hold you and your family full of grace and devotion, reminding you of the blessings you get every day.

i’m praying for god’s blessing and intervention

thy term is a light to my direction and a torch to my foot.

psalm 119:105 is a verse from the book of psalms

some days all we need is a gentle reminder that god is with us every step of the way. If you are anticipating a difficult day or your kid is dreading going to bed, don’t hesitate to lift it up to him. for you and your family to face whatever lies ahead, pray for god’s protection and guidance.

pray for courage and discernment

all these are possible for me because of christ, who gives me faith.

4:13 in philippians

there are many challenges and stumbling blocks that one can face in one’s life. and, on occasion, we can not feel like praying; this is all the more reason to pray for the family. begin the day with a group prayer for spiritual, physical, and mental support to get through the day. take this opportunity to pray god’s holy spirit to give advice to help you overcome these difficulties.

make a prayer for family harmony

bear with one another and, if one has a grievance against another, forgive one another, just as the lord has forgiven you.

3:13 in colossians

âĢľthe family that prays together, remains together,âĢĿ as they say. it’s also important to pray for the family’s courage and reconciliation. request that god be at the centre of your family’s life, and pray for the strengthening of your family’s ties.

have a prayer of healing for the members of the family who are now experiencing a rift. we can not always get along with our families, but at the end of the day, we should make peace and enjoy each other.

thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for the lives of your loved ones

children’s offspring are a shield for the elderly, and parents are their children’s joy

proverbs 17:6 is a verse from the book of proverbs

begin and day by thanking god for the lives of your loved ones. concentrate on the positive aspects of being a member of your family, and be thankful that god has rewarded you with them, whatever your differences.

pray for the ability to be a healthy family member

honor your father and mother such that your days in the land the lord your god is offering you will be long.

exodus 20:12 is a passage from the book of exodus

if you’re the mother, father, or boy, seek god’s help in becoming a good family member. Ask that you be a positive role model and a true parent who represents god’s heart for the kids. also, enlist his help in raising the twins.

for the girls, pray for god’s guidance so that you can be successful sons and daughters and contribute to the family rather than making problems. and, in the middle of a busy day, you bring joy to your friends.

make a request for god’s blessings

and according to the abundance of his majesty in christ jesus, my god will provide all of your needs.

Philippians 4:19

Ask and be grateful for god’s blessings and care for your family first thing in the morning. trust that he would provide you with the financial assistance you need, as well as much more, in order for your family to prosper.

Security for the family is prayed for

the lord’s security is the only defense you will provide to keep you and your family secure. before leaving your house and taking your family members to work or school, pray for god’s safety. request that he keep you and your loved ones safe from moral and physical hurt.

Sample Prayers

Morning Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

we thank you, lord god, for a brand new day and and day you have given each of us to love and be stewards of your creations.

thank you for each and every life in this world, and we are grateful for the family you have given us to show us your love and security. we thank you for providing us with caring parents who provide for our wants, provide for us, and love us unconditionally, as well as children who demonstrate true love like yours.

thank you, lord god, for the unwavering blessings you’ve bestowed upon us and for your unwavering devotion. we hope that each of us has a positive attitude during the day.

we pray in your honor. amen to that.

family prayer in the morning

god, our father, we thank you for the life you have given to each and every one of us. we appreciate you allowing us to celebrate and glorify you as a family this morning. – you instill in us a sense of reverence and everlasting love throughout the day, regardless of what lies ahead.

lord god, we beseech you to cover and defend this family with your son jesus christ’s most sacred blood. keep us safe from harm and lead us with your unfailing affection.

we also pray that you, o lord, remain the focal point of our home. allow your unwavering confidence to be the thread that binds and reinforces this family together. remind us of your love every day so that we can continue to be successful family members.

lord, bless each of usâĢĶthe parents of this householdâĢĶand grant us the patience and courage to be good leaders and providers for our families. Our god, bless the children and lead them to become your loyal and obedient servants.

we also hope for your many blessings, lord god; we believe you will never abandon us, and your grace overflows. we ask that you provide us with the means to provide a roof over our heads, shelter, and clothing for our children. bless us, dear father, so that as a family we will continue to be a joy to everyone.

lord, we praise and glorify your name. amen to that.

Morning Prayer for the Day

thank you, god the father, for a new dayâĢĶa new beginningâĢĶto worship you together as a family. thank you for the joys of family life, and for providing us with the lives of our parents and children, as well as the wellbeing of our bodies.

May you, lord god, give us your holy spirit to lead us to whatever lies ahead. we know you are with us every step of the way, and may you remind us of this if we get distracted by the ebbs and flows of the day.

we also ask that you give us the courage to keep going when we are afraid or tired. lord god, grant us the courage to face our fears and the patience to make decisions that are in accordance with your will.

may you, o lord, keep us safe today from harm and temptations, and help us to grow into individuals our families will be proud of. Today, god, bless us with your devotion and supply us with your eternal grace.

in the name of jesus, we ask for this. amen to that.

last but not least,

saying even a brief prayer at the start of the day is so vital, no matter where you are in life, what your challenges are, or whether you’re on the upside or the downside of the wheel. it’s much cooler if you can start the day with your buddies.

it doesn’t have to take up the whole morning to say a few fast morning prayers for and for your families. Close your eyes and join your family members in a conversation with god and lifting up your thoughts before him during your morning tea or coffeeâĢĶor perhaps during brunch.

your morning prayers don’t have to be long; they just have to be heartfelt. you would undoubtedly have a happier and more peaceful day if you consider saying a morning prayer for your family.

The Saint Francis Prayer

the prayer of saint francis

the st francis prayer is a special blessing for people of all faiths and walks of life. this is an excellent prayer for all, particularly those in rehab, since it demonstrates how to live a life of service while being peaceful, joyful, and free.

in aa, the saint francis prayer is known as the 11th step prayer. the prayer is said at certain alcoholics anonymous gatherings, accompanied by a moment of meditation. the words in the prayer have such profundity and weight that we should ponder them for a while in order to truly comprehend their meaning. saint francis’ prayer is a spiritual principle-based approach to daily life.

what is the story of saint francis of assisi?

those of those in rehab may refer to the story of saint francis of assisi. in the year 1181, saint francis was born in italy. he was best known for his excessive drinking and gambling, as well as his lavish lifestyle. after getting into a war, he was kidnapped and held hostage for ransom. he came from a rich family and spent almost a year in prison waiting for his father to pay the ransom. he started to hear the voice of christ and establish a friendship with god through his time in prison.

saint francis began his life in the same way as most of us do in recovery: he was a sinner. he was a depressed adolescent who spent the rest of his life under the influence and was notorious for violating all the rules.

in 1202, a battle broke out between assisi and perugia, and the men of assisi were attacked. with little or no military experience, saint francis was captured by enemy soldiers and held prisoner for ransom due to his father’s fortune.

following his release from prison, he took an oath to live a life in poverty and to aid in the restoration of people’s trust in god. he spent the remainder of his days, still in his early twenties, assisting with the rebuilding of the christian church. saint francis has a lot of charisma which attracted a lot of people to him as he preached about restoring christian values to the church.

saint francis had strong moral ideals and was on a quest to emulate christ’s purity. he was 44 years old when he died on october 3, 1226.

he had an impact on the lives of thousands of individuals and has assisted in the spread of the gospel to those who are in need. saint francis’ story is nothing short of inspiring, and it is a real testimony to how god’s grace will revive someone in any condition to live a fruitful life of service. the saint francis prayer is a fine example of a life lived in submission.

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the Called.

saint francis of assisi’s prayer

make me an instrument of thy goodwill, lord!

that i will bring love where there is hate.

that i will carry the spirit of reconciliation where there is wrongdoing.

that i will add peace where there is discord.

that i will bring truth where there is error.

so that i can put hope when there is skepticism.

that i will bring hope where there is despair.

that i will bring light where there are shadows.

that i may bring joy where there is sorrow.

lord, give me the ability to comfort rather than be comforted.

it is preferable to comprehend than to be comprehended.

it’s better to live than to be hated.

for it is by losing oneself that one discovers.

one is forgiven after forgiving some.

the only way to return to eternal life is to die.

—Saint Francis of Assisi—