Future Love Tarot Spread – How, When, Where Might You Meet?

without a doubt, one of the most commonly asked questions is, “When am i going to meet the man/woman of my dreams?”. the ultimate love tarot spread is the cure you’ve been waiting for!

i can preface this by stating that timing in tarot is incredibly difficult to forecast since all is subjective.  what does the word “soon” mean to you?  that query may evoke a number of responses.

this is a spread for those looking for marriage. i am sure that we are all capable of finding love, but it can be incredibly complicated in today’s world.  my friend is continually astounded that soul mates will locate each other in such a vast universe.

create an attempt to better yourself

Before we can find true love, we must first focus on ourselves and learn to respect ourselves, in my opinion.  in reality, you might argue that the love you have for yourself is a reflection of the love you will receive from another human.

don’t get me wrong: i’m not proposing that you feed your ego.  to me, respecting yourself entails being kind to yourself, forgiving oneself, embracing and enjoying one’s form, tone, and accent, among other things.

why not check the tarot to see what you need to focus on?  you may ask the following questions:

  • what am i meant to be focused on right now?
  • what would assist me in learning to love myself?
  • Are there any stumbling blocks or problems from my experience stopping me from seeking and embracing true love?

this is a valuable practice for creating your own tarot spreads depending on your own scenario.

tarot extended for future love

we’ve finally arrived at the section you’ve all been looking for!  the tarot distributed for potential love!

since it includes when/wheres and hows, this array can be difficult to decode.  i am trusting in your skills!

card 1 will give you a good impression of the kind of person you are supposed to be with.  this card may give you a sense of how they will be, or it may give you something very unique, such as the 8 of pentacles, which may represent a tradesman or artisan.

the fourth card is one to pay careful attention to.  this is a list of possible problems. it could be a challenge from the past, or it could be a question as to why you haven’t seen this guy yet!  pay careful attention to this and the following cards, as they will assist you in overcoming the hurdle.

card 6 will send you hints as to how, where, and when you could meet this guy.  as i previously said, this is a difficult card to read, but use your instincts to see what you come up with.

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